14 years ago
read me:
- NEW material to download...in the goodies box
- Second assessment available for download (from this evening)
Good luck =]
- NEW post about genres - this is NOT necessary for exam or essay, but may be of interest to you...
ZZPosted by Hellray
on , under

In the WEEK FOUR lecture an important discussion point was the idea of EPISTEME. Episteme is a term which suggests that different cultures, living in different times have their own understanding of their lives. To that idea we can add another idea that we...living in our own episteme...cannot ever fully understand the lives (and epistemes) of others.
We want to try and understand the IDEA of a character more fully.
Your task this week has three parts:
1) In your class BLOG, create a character (male or female). You need to find an image of what you visualise they look like. You need to explain where and when they lived (any time in human history, any culture on earth). Briefly (no more than say 200 words) describe what it was like living their life.
2) Look through some of the other characters created by people in your classes. Make a comment about at least one of the other characters that you find interesting.
3) In tutorial for WEEK FIVE, you will be introducing your character briefly to everyone in your tutorial class. The presentation should be simple - just one or two minutes - and you can use your blog post to show your character.