Subject Participation - assessed throughout - 20%
Subject participation is highly valued and will be measured in many forms. You will be evaluated for each of: your willingness to involve yourself in class discussions; your preparedness during class and tutorial discussions; your participation in the class FORUM; your general contribution to the subject as a whole. It is anticipated that over time, material provided by class members will be added to our material.
Movie analysis - due Week FIVE or SIX - 30% This is an analysis of a movie of your choice from amongst the movies we cover in this subject. The style this takes is up to you, but the form of submission will be by using your personal blog, on blogspot. The link should then be provided on the blog forum for your particular class. You will be given clear instructions on how to do this by your individual tutor.
Your word count should be around 1500 words.
Exam - due Week TEN - 20% This is a ninety minute exam which covers everything that we have learnt in the subject up to the exam. You will be tested on both the lecture material and also every movie we have viewed up to the exam.
The exam is made up of four sections: 1) A set of short questions based on brief movie clips you will be shown [10-20%, may vary] 2) A set of questions which are based on brief movie clips you will be shown from movies we viewed in class [30-40%, may vary] 3) A set of short answer questions, where you will be asked to analyse films that we have viewed [30%] 4) A small number of multi-choice questions [20-30%, may vary]
What is it important to know? It is MOST important to have a good background knowledge of the movies we have studied. Not just the basics, but an impression of the whole film.
Short-answer (essay) questions – due Week TWELVE – 30% This is a short –answer or essay topic consisting of a number of questions from which you may choose. There is a minimum word count set and you may be penalised for submissions which do not reach this minimum.
There are two sections. You will select topics from EITHER Section One OR Section Two – not from both.
Section One contains questions which require shorter answers, 750 words each, but you will need to answer two of these questions, so your TOTAL word count will be a minimum of 1500 words.
Section Two contains essay questions, which require a minimum word count of 1500 words. If you select Section Two, you will only answer one of these questions.
All of the questions, regardless of which section they come from are based on analysing movies that we study in this subject, by using theories and approaches that you have also learnt in this subject.
Further information about the topics and the format for submission is available in the Short-answer questions assessment sheet, found in here.
This shows you what you need to know, understand and complete in order to reach different grades:High Distinction
The student has participated regularly, has communicated effectively with the instructor and fellow students and has displayed a broad knowledge of the subject. The student has thoroughly undertaken any set tasks and has used a wide range of media to communicate. The student has conducted a wide range of their own research to introduce in class discussions.
The student has participated consistently, has communicated effectively with the instructor and fellow students and has displayed good knowledge of the subject. The student has undertaken any set tasks and has used a range of media to communicate.
The student has participated consistently, has actively communicated with the instructor and fellow students and has displayed some knowledge of the subject. The student has undertaken most set tasks.
The student has participated, has communicated with the instructor when required and fellow students and has displayed some knowledge of the subject. The student has undertaken some set tasks.
The student has not participated, or has not communicated with the instructor or fellow students. The student may not have displayed some or even any knowledge of the subject. The student may not have undertaken set tasks. |